Welcome to the First GSLIS Skillshare Wiki!
What: This skillshare is an opportunity to be introduced to LIS topics that are not part of the core curriculum. Students will share their experiences from both elective courses and outside employment in 45-minute sessions.
Where: Simmons Main College Building (MCB), 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA
When: Saturday, September 16th, 2006 from 10 am to 2:30 pm (Lunch will be provided by Veggie Planet from 1:30-2:30.)
Who: This event is being organized by ASIS&T and the Simmons student chapter of the Progressive Librarians Guild, with special assistance from LISSA, SLA@S, and SCOSAA.
This event is open to the public.
RSVP to let us know you are coming!
Article Heather, Jennifer, Lana, Michael - let's work here
Tell me more about the GSLIS Skill Share
The idea behind the skill share is that there are so many great elective courses offered at Simmons, but we don’t have the time or money to take them all. This can serve as an introduction to topics in LIS you may not otherwise be exposed to, as well as a way to gather information for making future course selection decisions.
The idea of the skill share is that current and former GSLIS students will teach hour long workshops on elective courses to interested GSLIS students. The content of these workshops is up to the discretion of the student teachers, but may include: copies of the syllabus and recommended reading lists, lesson components, presentation of term projects, brief overview of entire course or specific sections, etc. We are also encouraging students to work together and collaboratively teach the workshops, if more than one student is interested in teaching a specific course.
Additionally we will also have two keynote speakers heading in from NYC. They are Jenna and Eric from Radical Reference who take care of the front and back end of the alternative, online (and sometimes in the streets) reference source. They will be speaking about the history, present use and future of Radical Reference, librarianship and the open-source software they use for conducting online reference assistance.
The skill share is free to all and open to all who are interested. The event will take place on Saturday September 16th from 10am to 2 pm here at Simmons College. We are anticipating three 45 minute student taught workshop slots from 10:00 am - 12:15pm followed by our keynote speakers at 12:30 and a complimentary lunch provided by Veggie Planet.
GSLIS Skill Share Schedule
The Skill Share will be taking place at Simmons College located at 300 The Fenway in Boston. Click here for directions. All events will take place in the Main College Building (MCB) Here is a campus map.
The event is scheduled from 10am to 2:30pm. Specific rooms can be found below. All events are taking place in the Main College Building.
10:00am - 10:45am: Skill Share Workshops
- Room C120 - IDIV 501 -- Globalization and Diversity
- Room C318 - LIS 422 -- Literacy and Services to Underserved Populations: Issues and Responses
- Room E303 - LIS 490 -- International Librarianship
10:50am - 11:35am: Skill Share Workshops
- Room C120 - LIS 433 -- Oral History
- Room C318 - LIS 446 -- Art Documentation
- Room E303 - LIS Extra -- News Librarianship
11:40am - 12:25pm: Skill Share Workshops
- Room C120 - LIS 438 -- Introduction to Archives
- Room C318 - LIS 454 -- Digital Information Services and Providers
- Room E303 - LIS 493 -- Intellectual Freedom
12:30 - 1:30pm: Key Note Address
- Trustman Art Gallery (5th floor of the MCB) - Jenna and Eric from Radical Reference talk about providing alternative reference sources online and at political demonstrations, as well as their open source software.
1:30pm - 2:30pm: There is such a thing as a free lunch
- Trustman Art Gallery (5th floor of the MCB) - Complimentary lunch provided by Veggie Planet and informal meet and greet.
Skill Share Lesson Plans
Teachers: Please post your lesson plans/presentation outlines here, and look around at what others are doing. The password to edit this wiki is "gslis".
IDIV 501 -- Globalization and Diversity
LIS 422 -- Literacy and Services to Underserved Populations: Issues and Responses
LIS 433 -- Oral History
LIS 438 -- Introduction to Archives
LIS 446 -- Art Documentation
LIS 454 -- Digital Information Services and Providers
LIS 490 -- International Librarianship
LIS 493 -- Intellectual Freedom
LIS Extra -- News Librarianship
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