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LIS 422 -- Literacy and Services to Underserved Populations: Issues and Responses

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years ago

LIS 422- Literacy and Services to Underserved Populations


as taught by Shelley Quezada, spring 2006



The effects of low literacy on individuals and on entire populations of people in the U.S. is devastating, economically, psychologically and socially. Functionally illiterate adults lack the access to information that allows them to participate fully and wholly in society. This skillshare is meant to be a brief overview of LIS 422. We’ll go over the particulars of the course itself:


  • History and design of course
  • A little about Shelley Q
  • Library-Literacy connection



All participants receive course syllabus and reading list, as well as a list of selected web resources (Great for future reference). Some of the issues and At-risk populations discussed will include:


  • abe/adult basic education
  • esol programs (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
  • family literacy programs
  • services to disabled patrons
  • homeless patrons/library response to
  • incarcerated youth and adults



Brief discussion about tools for program development; outreach, collaboration, funding, etc.

Information on space availability for a visit to the library at Bay State Correctional Institute at Norfolk.






Time: 10:00 am - 10:45 am

Location: C318**

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